AFNI program: @align_partial_oblique
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Usage 1: A script to align a full coverage T1 weighted non-oblique dataset
to match a partial coverage T1 weighted non-oblique dataset
Alignment is done with a rotation and shift (6 parameters) transform
Script is still in testing phase
@align_partial_oblique [options] <-base FullCoverageT1> <-input PartialCoverageObliqueT1>
Mandatory parameters:
-base FullCoverageT1: Reference anatomical full coverage volume.
-input PartialCoverageObliqueT1: The name says it all.
Optional parameters:
-suffix SUF : Output dataset name is formed by adding SUF to
the prefix of the base dataset.
The default suffix is _alnd_PartialCoverageObliqueT1
-keep_tmp : Keep temporary files.
-clean : Clean all temp files, likely left from -keep_tmp
option then exit.
-dxyz MM : Cubic voxel size of output DSET in TLRC
space Default MM is 1. If you do not
want your output voxels to be cubic
Then use the -dx, -dy, -dz options below.
-dx MX : Size of voxel in the x direction
(Right-Left). Default is 1mm.
-dy MY : Size of voxel in the y direction
(Anterior-Posterior). Default is 1mm.
-dz MZ : Size of voxel in the z direction.
(Inferior-Superior).Default is 1mm.
@align_partial_oblique -base ah_SurfVol+orig. -input ah_T1W_anat+orig.
Written by Ziad S. Saad, for Ikuko (
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Wed Mar 12 07:59:35 PM EDT 2025