AFNI program: @Install_InstaCorr_Demo
Output of -help
Installs and sets up AFNI's InstaCorr demo archive
After setup, all you need to do is run the demo scripts
this way:
For Volume-based 3dGroupInCorr run:
cd /home/afniHQ/
tcsh ./@RunVolGroupInCorr
For Surface-based 3dGroupInCorr run:
cd /home/afniHQ/
tcsh ./@RunSurfGroupInCorr
For Surface-based Single-Subject InstaCorr run:
cd /home/afniHQ/
tcsh ./@RunSingleSurfInstaCorr
[-wget]: Use wget to download archive. Script chooses by default
with preference for curl
[-curl]: Use curl to download archive. Script chooses by default
with preference for curl
[-full]: Install the full version of the demo. This downloads
all subject surfaces, resting state volume time series
etc. The script then processes the data and produces
the files needed for running the various interactive
InstaCorr demos.
[-mini]: Install the mini version of the demo. This downloads
only the files needed for running the various interactive
InstaCorr demos.
It takes a while to download, unpack, and run the setup scripts
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Wed Mar 12 08:01:34 PM EDT 2025