Output of -help
Script to produce a residual time series cleaned by ANATICOR model.
@ANATICOR <-ts TimeSeriesVol>
<-polort polort>
<-motion motion.1D>
<-aseg aseg.nii>
<-prefix output>
[<-radius r >]
[<-view VIEW>]
[<-nuisance nuisance.1D>]
[-verb] [-dirty] [-echo]
-ts TimeSeriesVol: Time series volume
The time series should have had the following done already:
Despiking (if necessary)
RetroIcor, and RVT correction
Time shifting, and volume registration
We strongly recommend you do the preprocessing with,
for example: -subj_id ID -dsets EPI+orig.HEAD \
-blocks despike ricor tshift volreg regress \
-tcat_remove_first_trs 4 \
-ricor_regs_nfirst 0 \
-ricor_regs oba.slibase.1D \
-ricor_regress_method per-run \
This is an example for preprocessing, and you should carefully
look into your study design and the script made by
See the RETROICOR examples in the help text of
-polort polort: Polynomial for linear trend removal.
Use the same order as for
-motion motion.1D: head motion parameters from 3dvolreg
Also created by
-aseg aseg.nii: aseg file from FreeSurfer's segmentation.
This aseg volume must be in register with the EPI
time series. Otherwise you're wasting your time.
This script will automatically make tissue masks
from this file. Do not replace aseg with aparc
volumes for example. If you want other methods
for providing tissue masks, complain to HJJ,
Email address below.
-prefix output: Use output (residual time series) for a prefix
-radius r: The radius of a local sphere mask, r mm
default = 15 mm, which what was used in HJJ et al. 2010
for high resolution 1.7x1.7x3mm data. For typical, about
3x3x5 resolution, a radius of 30 mm seems to do fine.
You should check out the coverage of WMeLocal regressor
using -coverage option.
-view VIEW: Set the view of the output data. Default is +orig
Choose from +orig, +acpc, or +tlrc.
-nuisance nuisance.1D: Other nuisance regressors.
Each regressor is a column in .1D file
-no_ventricles: not include LVe regressor
-Rsq_WMe: produce an explained variance map for WMeLOCAL regressor.
This may help measuring the sptial pattern of local
artifact like the paper of Jo et al. (2010, Neuroimage).
-coverage: produce a spatial coverage map of WMeLOCAL regressor
-dirty: Keep temporary files
-verb: Verbose flag
-echo: Echo each script command for debugging
Please reference the following paper if you publish results from
this script.
'Mapping sources of correlation in resting state FMRI, with
artifact detection and removal'
Jo, et al., Neuroimage, Vol 52 (2), 571-582, 2010.
Written by Hang Joon Jo. (Last Update on 12/15/2010)
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