Usage: 3dInvFMRI [options]
Program to compute stimulus time series, given a 3D+time dataset
and an activation map (the inverse of the usual FMRI analysis problem).

 -data yyy  =
   *OR*     = Defines input 3D+time dataset [a non-optional option].
 -input yyy =

 -map  aaa  = Defines activation map; 'aaa' should be a bucket dataset,
                each sub-brick of which defines the beta weight map for
                an unknown stimulus time series [also non-optional].

 -mapwt www = Defines a weighting factor to use for each element of
                the map.  The dataset 'www' can have either 1 sub-brick,
                or the same number as in the -map dataset.  In the
                first case, in each voxel, each sub-brick of the map
                gets the same weight in the least squares equations.
                  [default: all weights are 1]

 -mask mmm  = Defines a mask dataset, to restrict input voxels from
                -data and -map.  [default: all voxels are used]

 -base fff  = Each column of the 1D file 'fff' defines a baseline time
                series; these columns should be the same length as
                number of time points in 'yyy'.  Multiple -base options
                can be given.
 -polort pp = Adds polynomials of order 'pp' to the baseline collection.
                The default baseline model is '-polort 0' (constant).
                To specify no baseline model at all, use '-polort -1'.

 -out vvv   = Name of 1D output file will be 'vvv'.
                [default = '-', which is stdout; probably not good]

 -method M  = Determines the method to use.  'M' is a single letter:
               -method C = least squares fit to data matrix Y [default]
               -method K = least squares fit to activation matrix A

 -alpha aa  = Set the 'alpha' factor to 'aa'; alpha is used to penalize
                large values of the output vectors.  Default is 0.
                A large-ish value for alpha would be 0.1.

 -fir5     = Smooth the results with a 5 point lowpass FIR filter.
 -median5  = Smooth the results with a 5 point median filter.
               [default: no smoothing; only 1 of these can be used]
 Formulate the problem as
    Y = V A' + F C' + errors
 where Y = data matrix      (N x M) [from -data]
       V = stimulus         (N x p) [to -out]
       A = map matrix       (M x p) [from -map]
       F = baseline matrix  (N x q) [from -base and -polort]
       C = baseline weights (M x q) [not computed]
       N = time series length = length of -data file
       M = number of voxels in mask
       p = number of stimulus time series to estimate
         = number of parameters in -map file
       q = number of baseline parameters
   and ' = matrix transpose operator
 Next, define matrix Z (Y detrended relative to columns of F) by
   Z = [I - F(F'F)  F']  Y
 The method C solution is given by
   V0 = Z A [A'A]

 This solution minimizes the sum of squares over the N*M elements
 of the matrix   Y - V A' + F C'   (N.B.: A' means A-transpose).
 The method K solution is given by
             -1                            -1
   W = [Z Z']  Z A   and then   V = W [W'W]

 This solution minimizes the sum of squares of the difference between
 the A(V) predicted from V and the input A, where A(V) is given by
   A(V) = Z' V [V'V]   = Z'W
 Technically, the solution is unidentfiable up to an arbitrary
 multiple of the columns of F (i.e., V = V0 + F G, where G is
 an arbitrary q x p matrix); the solution above is the solution
 that is orthogonal to the columns of F.

-- RWCox - March 2006 - purely for experimental purposes!

===================== EXAMPLE USAGE =====================================
** Step 1: From a training dataset, generate activation map.
  The input dataset has 4 runs, each 108 time points long.  3dDeconvolve
  is used on the first 3 runs (time points 0..323) to generate the
  activation map.  There are two visual stimuli (Complex and Simple).

  3dDeconvolve -x1D xout_short_two.1D -input rall_vr+orig'[0..323]'   \
      -num_stimts 2                                                   \
      -stim_file 1 hrf_complex.1D               -stim_label 1 Complex \
      -stim_file 2 hrf_simple.1D                -stim_label 2 Simple  \
      -concat '1D:0,108,216'                                          \
      -full_first -fout -tout                                         \
      -bucket func_ht2_short_two -cbucket cbuc_ht2_short_two

  N.B.: You may want to de-spike, smooth, and register the 3D+time
        dataset prior to the analysis (as usual).  These steps are not
        shown here -- I'm presuming you know how to use AFNI already.

** Step 2: Create a mask of highly activated voxels.
  The F statistic threshold is set to 30, corresponding to a voxel-wise
  p = 1e-12 = very significant.  The mask is also lightly clustered, and
  restricted to brain voxels.

  3dAutomask -prefix Amask rall_vr+orig
  3dcalc -a 'func_ht2_short+orig[0]' -b Amask+orig -datum byte \
         -nscale -expr 'step(a-30)*b' -prefix STmask300
  3dmerge -dxyz=1 -1clust 1.1 5 -prefix STmask300c STmask300+orig

** Step 3: Run 3dInvFMRI to estimate the stimulus functions in run #4.
  Run #4 is time points 324..431 of the 3D+time dataset (the -data
  input below).  The -map input is the beta weights extracted from
  the -cbucket output of 3dDeconvolve.

  3dInvFMRI -mask STmask300c+orig                       \
            -data rall_vr+orig'[324..431]'              \
            -map cbuc_ht2_short_two+orig'[6..7]'        \
            -polort 1 -alpha 0.01 -median5 -method K    \
            -out ii300K_short_two.1D

  3dInvFMRI -mask STmask300c+orig                       \
            -data rall_vr+orig'[324..431]'              \
            -map cbuc_ht2_short_two+orig'[6..7]'        \
            -polort 1 -alpha 0.01 -median5 -method C    \
            -out ii300C_short_two.1D

** Step 4: Plot the results, and get confused.

  1dplot -ynames VV KK CC -xlabel Run#4 -ylabel ComplexStim \
         hrf_complex.1D'{324..432}'                         \
         ii300K_short_two.1D'[0]'                           \

  1dplot -ynames VV KK CC -xlabel Run#4 -ylabel SimpleStim \
         hrf_simple.1D'{324..432}'                         \
         ii300K_short_two.1D'[1]'                          \

  N.B.: I've found that method K works better if MORE voxels are
        included in the mask (lower threshold) and method C if
        FEWER voxels are included.  The above threshold gave 945
        voxels being used to determine the 2 output time series.

++ Compile date = Mar 12 2025 {AFNI_25.0.08:linux_ubuntu_24_64}