Usage: 1dTsort [options] file.1D
Sorts each column of the input 1D file and writes result to stdout.
-inc = sort into increasing order [default]
-dec = sort into decreasing order
-flip = transpose the file before OUTPUT
* the INPUT can be transposed using file.1D\'
* thus, to sort each ROW, do something like
1dTsort -flip file.1D\' > sfile.1D
-col j = sort only on column #j (counting starts at 0),
and carry the rest of the columns with it.
-imode = typecast all values to integers, return the mode in
the input then exit. No sorting results are returned.
N.B.: Data will be read from standard input if the filename IS stdin,
and will also be row/column transposed if the filename is stdin\'
For example:
1deval -num 100 -expr 'uran(1)' | 1dTsort stdin | 1dplot stdin
++ Compile date = Mar 12 2025 {AFNI_25.0.08:linux_ubuntu_24_64}