:orphan: .. _ahelp_3dfim+: ****** 3dfim+ ****** .. contents:: :local: | .. code-block:: none Program to calculate the cross-correlation of an ideal reference waveform with the measured FMRI time series for each voxel. Usage: 3dfim+ -input fname fname = filename of input 3d+time dataset [-input1D dname] dname = filename of single (fMRI) .1D time series [-mask mname] mname = filename of 3d mask dataset [-nfirst fnum] fnum = number of first dataset image to use in the cross-correlation procedure. (default = 0) [-nlast lnum] lnum = number of last dataset image to use in the cross-correlation procedure. (default = last) [-polort pnum] pnum = degree of polynomial corresponding to the baseline model (pnum = 0, 1, etc.) (default: pnum = 1). Use -1 for no baseline model. [-fim_thr p] p = fim internal mask threshold value (0 <= p <= 1) to get rid of low intensity voxels. (default: p = 0.0999), set p = 0.0 for no masking. [-cdisp cval] Write (to screen) results for those voxels whose correlation stat. > cval (0 <= cval <= 1) (default: disabled) [-ort_file sname] sname = input ort time series file name -ideal_file rname rname = input ideal time series file name Note: The -ort_file and -ideal_file commands may be used more than once. Note: If files sname or rname contain multiple columns, then ALL columns will be used as ort or ideal time series. However, individual columns or a subset of columns may be selected using a file name specification like 'fred.1D[0,3,5]', which indicates that only columns #0, #3, and #5 will be used for input. [-out param] Flag to output the specified parameter, where the string 'param' may be any one of the following: Fit Coef L.S. fit coefficient for Best Ideal Best Index Index number for Best Ideal (count starts at 1) % Change P-P amplitude of signal response / Baseline Baseline Average of baseline model response Correlation Best Ideal product-moment correlation coefficient % From Ave P-P amplitude of signal response / Average Average Baseline + average of signal response % From Top P-P amplitude of signal response / Topline Topline Baseline + P-P amplitude of signal response Sigma Resid Std. Dev. of residuals from best fit All This specifies all of the above parameters Spearman CC Spearman correlation coefficient Quadrant CC Quadrant correlation coefficient Note: Multiple '-out' commands may be used. Note: If a parameter name contains embedded spaces, the entire parameter name must be enclosed by quotes, e.g., -out 'Fit Coef' [-bucket bprefix] Create one AFNI 'bucket' dataset containing the parameters of interest, as specified by the above '-out' commands. The output 'bucket' dataset is written to a file with the prefix name bprefix. ++ Compile date = Mar 12 2025 {AFNI_25.0.08:linux_ubuntu_24_64}