:orphan: .. _ahelp_3dTsort: ******* 3dTsort ******* .. contents:: :local: | .. code-block:: none Usage: 3dTsort [options] dataset Sorts each voxel and produces a new dataset. Options: -prefix p = use string 'p' for the prefix of the output dataset [DEFAULT = 'tsort'] -inc = sort into increasing order [default] -dec = sort into decreasing order -rank = output rank instead of sorted values ranks range from 1 to Nvals -ind = output sorting index. (0 to Nvals -1) See example below. -val = output sorted values (default) -random = randomly shuffle (permute) the time points in each voxel * Each voxel is permuted independently! * Why is this here? Someone asked for it :) -ranFFT = randomize each time series by scrambling the FFT phase * Each voxel is treated separately! * Why is this here? cf. Matthew 7:7-8 :) -ranDFT = Almost the same as above, but: * In '-ranFFT', the FFT length is taken to be the next integer >= data length for which the FFT algorithm is efficient. This will result in data padding unless the data length is exactly 'nice' for FFT. * In '-ranDFT', the DFT length is exactly the data length. If the data length is a large-ish prime number (say 997), this operation can be slow. * The DFT/FFT algorithm is reasonably fast when the data length prime factors contain only 2s, 3s, and/or 5s. * Using '-ranDFT' can preserve the spectral (temporal correlation) structure of the original data a little better than '-ranFFT'. * The only reason to use '-ranFFT' instead of '-ranDFT' is for speed. For example, with 997 time points, '-ranFFT' was about 13 times faster (FFT length=1000) than '-ranDFT'. -datum D = Coerce the output data to be stored as the given type D, which may be byte, short, or float (default). Notes: * Each voxel is sorted (or processed) separately. * Sub-brick labels are not rearranged! * This program is useful only in limited cases. It was written to sort the -stim_times_IM beta weights output by 3dDeconvolve. * Also see program 1dTsort, for sorting text files of numbers. Examples: setenv AFNI_1D_TIME YES echo '8 6 3 9 2 7' > test.1D 3dTsort -overwrite test.1D 1dcat tsort.1D 3dTsort -overwrite -rank test.1D 1dcat tsort.1D 3dTsort -overwrite -ind test.1D 1dcat tsort.1D 3dTsort -overwrite -dec test.1D 1dcat tsort.1D ++ Compile date = Mar 12 2025 {AFNI_25.0.08:linux_ubuntu_24_64}