:orphan: .. _ahelp_3dThreetoRGB: ************ 3dThreetoRGB ************ .. contents:: :local: | .. code-block:: none Usage #1: 3dThreetoRGB [options] dataset Usage #2: 3dThreetoRGB [options] dataset1 dataset2 dataset3 Converts 3 sub-bricks of input to an RGB-valued dataset. * If you have 1 input dataset, then sub-bricks [0..2] are used to form the RGB components of the output. * If you have 3 input datasets, then the [0] sub-brick of each is used to form the RGB components, respectively. * RGB datasets have 3 bytes per voxel, with values ranging from 0..255. Options: -prefix ppp = Write output into dataset with prefix 'ppp'. [default='rgb'] -scale fac = Multiply input values by 'fac' before using as RGB [default=1]. If you have floating point inputs in range 0..1, then using '-scale 255' would make a lot of sense. -mask mset = Only output nonzero values where the mask dataset 'mset' is nonzero. -fim = Write result as a 'fim' type dataset. [this is the default] -anat = Write result as a anatomical type dataset. Notes: * Input datasets must be byte-, short-, or float-valued. * You might calculate the component datasets using 3dcalc. * You can also create RGB-valued datasets in to3d, using 2D raw PPM image files as input, or the 3Dr: format. * RGB fim overlays are transparent in AFNI in voxels where all 3 bytes are zero - that is, it won't overlay solid black. * At present, there is limited support for RGB datasets. About the only thing you can do is display them in 2D slice windows in AFNI. -- RWCox - April 2002 ++ Compile date = Mar 12 2025 {AFNI_25.0.08:linux_ubuntu_24_64}