:orphan: .. _ahelp_3dBlurToFWHM: ************ 3dBlurToFWHM ************ .. contents:: :local: | .. code-block:: none Usage: 3dBlurToFWHM [options] Blurs a 'master' dataset until it reaches a specified FWHM smoothness (approximately). The same blurring schedule is applied to the input dataset to produce the output. The goal is to make the output dataset have the given smoothness, no matter what smoothness it had on input (however, the program cannot 'unsmooth' a dataset!). See below for the METHOD used. OPTIONS ------- -input ddd = This required 'option' specifies the dataset that will be smoothed and output. -blurmaster bbb = This option specifies the dataset whose whose smoothness controls the process. **N.B.: If not given, the input dataset is used. **N.B.: This should be one continuous run. Do not input catenated runs! -prefix ppp = Prefix for output dataset will be 'ppp'. **N.B.: Output dataset is always in float format. -mask mmm = Mask dataset, if desired. Blurring will occur only within the mask. Voxels NOT in the mask will be set to zero in the output. -automask = Create an automask from the input dataset. **N.B.: Not useful if the input dataset has been detrended or otherwise regressed before input! -FWHM f = Blur until the 3D FWHM is 'f'. -FWHMxy f = Blur until the 2D (x,y)-plane FWHM is 'f'. No blurring is done along the z-axis. **N.B.: Note that you can't REDUCE the smoothness of a dataset. **N.B.: Here, 'x', 'y', and 'z' refer to the grid/slice order as stored in the dataset, not DICOM ordered coordinates! **N.B.: With -FWHMxy, smoothing is done only in the dataset xy-plane. With -FWHM, smoothing is done in 3D. **N.B.: The actual goal is reached when -FWHM : cbrt(FWHMx*FWHMy*FWHMz) >= f -FWHMxy: sqrt(FWHMx*FWHMy) >= f That is, when the area or volume of a 'resolution element' goes past a threshold. -quiet Shut up the verbose progress reports. **N.B.: This should be the first option, to stifle any verbosity from the option processing code. FILE RECOMMENDATIONS for -blurmaster: For FMRI statistical purposes, you DO NOT want the FWHM to reflect the spatial structure of the underlying anatomy. Rather, you want the FWHM to reflect the spatial structure of the noise. This means that the -blurmaster dataset should not have anatomical structure. One good form of input is the output of '3dDeconvolve -errts', which is the residuals left over after the GLM fitted signal model is subtracted out from each voxel's time series. You can also use the output of '3dREMLfit -Rerrts' or '3dREMLfit -Rwherr' for this purpose. You CAN give a multi-brick EPI dataset as the -blurmaster dataset; the dataset will be detrended in time (like the -detrend option in 3dFWHMx) which will tend to remove the spatial structure. This makes it practicable to make the input and blurmaster datasets be the same, without having to create a detrended or residual dataset beforehand. Considering the accuracy of blurring estimates, this is probably good enough for government work [that is an insider's joke :-]. N.B.: Do not use catenated runs as blurmasters. There should be no discontinuities in the time axis of blurmaster, which would make the simple regression detrending do peculiar things. ALSO SEE: * 3dFWHMx, which estimates smoothness globally * 3dLocalstat -stat FWHM, which estimates smoothness locally * This paper, which discusses the need for a fixed level of smoothness when combining FMRI datasets from different scanner platforms: Friedman L, Glover GH, Krenz D, Magnotta V; The FIRST BIRN. Reducing inter-scanner variability of activation in a multicenter fMRI study: role of smoothness equalization. Neuroimage. 2006 Oct 1;32(4):1656-68. METHOD: The blurring is done by a conservative finite difference approximation to the diffusion equation: du/dt = d/dx[ D_x(x,y,z) du/dx ] + d/dy[ D_y(x,y,z) du/dy ] + d/dz[ D_z(x,y,z) du/dz ] = div[ D(x,y,z) grad[u(x,y,z)] ] where diffusion tensor D() is diagonal, Euler time-stepping is used, and with Neumann (reflecting) boundary conditions at the edges of the mask (which ensures that voxel data inside and outside the mask don't mix). * At each pseudo-time step, the FWHM is estimated globally (like '3dFWHMx') and locally (like '3dLocalstat -stat FWHM'). Voxels where the local FWHM goes past the goal will not be smoothed any more (D gets set to zero). * When the global smoothness estimate gets close to the goal, the blurring rate (pseudo-time step) will be reduced, to avoid over-smoothing. * When an individual direction's smoothness (e.g., FWHMz) goes past the goal, all smoothing in that direction stops, but the other directions continue to be smoothed until the overall resolution element goal is achieved. * When the global FWHM estimate reaches the goal, the program is done. It will also stop if progress stalls for some reason, or if the maximum iteration count is reached (infinite loops being unpopular). * The output dataset will NOT have exactly the smoothness you ask for, but it will be close (fondly we do hope). In our Imperial experiments, the results (measured via 3dFWHMx) are within 10% of the goal (usually better). * 2D blurring via -FWHMxy may increase the smoothness in the z-direction reported by 3dFWHMx, even though there is no inter-slice processing. At this moment, I'm not sure why. It may be an estimation artifact due to increased correlation in the xy-plane that biases the variance estimates used to calculate FWHMz. ADVANCED OPTIONS: -maxite ccc = Set maximum number of iterations to 'ccc' [Default=variable]. -rate rrr = The value of 'rrr' should be a number between 0.05 and 3.5, inclusive. It is a factor to change the overall blurring rate (slower for rrr < 1) and thus require more or less blurring steps. This option should only be needed to slow down the program if the it over-smooths significantly (e.g., it overshoots the desired FWHM in Iteration #1 or #2). You can increase the speed by using rrr > 1, but be careful and examine the output. -nbhd nnn = As in 3dLocalstat, specifies the neighborhood used to compute local smoothness. [Default = 'SPHERE(-4)' in 3D, 'SPHERE(-6)' in 2D] ** N.B.: For the 2D -FWHMxy, a 'SPHERE()' nbhd is really a circle in the xy-plane. ** N.B.: If you do NOT want to estimate local smoothness, use '-nbhd NULL'. -ACF or -acf = Use the 'ACF' method (from 3dFWHMx) to estimate the global smoothness, rather than the 'classic' Forman 1995 method. This option will be somewhat slower. It will also set '-nbhd NULL', since there is no local ACF estimation method implemented. -bsave bbb = Save the local smoothness estimates at each iteration with dataset prefix 'bbb' [for debugging purposes]. -bmall = Use all blurmaster sub-bricks. [Default: a subset will be chosen, for speed] -unif = Uniformize the voxel-wise MAD in the blurmaster AND input datasets prior to blurring. Will be restored in the output dataset. -detrend = Detrend blurmaster dataset to order NT/30 before starting. -nodetrend = Turn off detrending of blurmaster. ** N.B.: '-detrend' is the new default [05 Jun 2007]! -detin = Also detrend input before blurring it, then retrend it afterwards. [Off by default] -temper = Try harder to make the smoothness spatially uniform. -- Author: The Dreaded Emperor Zhark - Nov 2006 ++ Compile date = Mar 12 2025 {AFNI_25.0.08:linux_ubuntu_24_64}