:orphan: .. _ahelp_1dMarry: ******* 1dMarry ******* .. contents:: :local: | .. code-block:: none Usage: 1dMarry [options] file1 file2 ... Joins together 2 (or more) ragged-right .1D files, for use with 3dDeconvolve -stim_times_AM2. **_OR_** Breaks up 1 married file into 2 (or more) single-valued files. OPTIONS: ======= -sep abc == Use the first character (e.g., 'a') as the separator between values 1 and 2, the second character (e.g., 'b') as the separator between values 2 and 3, etc. * These characters CANNOT be a blank, a tab, a digit, or a non-printable control character! * Default separator string is '*,' which will result in output similar to '3*4,5,6' -divorce == Instead of marrying the files, assume that file1 is already a married file: split time*value*value... tuples into separate files, and name them in the pattern 'file2_A.1D' 'file2_B.1D' et cetera. If not divorcing, the 'married' file is written to stdout, and probably should be captured using a redirection such as '>'. NOTES: ===== * You cannot use column [...] or row {...} selectors on ragged-right .1D files, so don't even think about trying! * The maximum number of values that can be married is 26. (No polygamy or polyandry jokes here, please.) * For debugging purposes, with '-divorce', if 'file2' is '-', then all the divorcees are written directly to stdout. -- RWCox -- written hastily in March 2007 -- hope I don't repent -- modified to deal with multiple marriages -- December 2008 ++ Compile date = Mar 12 2025 {AFNI_25.0.08:linux_ubuntu_24_64}